亮点|阿森纳女足 1-0 澳超全明星

亮点|阿森纳女足 1-0 澳超全明星

我们的澳大利亚之旅在墨尔本 1-0 击败 A 联赛全明星队的比赛中圆满结束,现在您可以在我们的精彩集锦中看到精彩的比赛。阿莱西亚·鲁索 (Alessia Russo) 攻入唯一进球上半场末段,我们熟练地接住维维安·利亚 (Vivienne Lia) 的传中头球,帮助我们取得领先,年轻的枪手队以胜利结束了这场比赛。按播放键,在漫威体育场观看所有关键时刻在上面的视频中。

Jonas Eidevall was delighted with the contribution from our academy players in Friday's 1-0 victory over the A League All-Stars. Vivienne Lia provided a stunning assist for Alessia Russo, while Katie Reid played the full 90 minutes and picked up the Player of the Match award. Teyah Goldie, Freya Godfrey, Laila Harbert, Maddy Earl and Naomi Williams also featured and duly impressed. "It’s been a great experience coming to Melbourne. We’ve had fantastic fan engagement both in the training session yesterday and also at the game today, and I think from a performance perspectiveit was really nice to see a team play that really had a mixture of experience and youth. "I think the team as a whole did well, but it’s really really nice to see young players coming on and making such good performances today. They were brave, fearless and qualitative. Big kudus to them but also to the work of our academy and academy manager James Honeyman and under-21 coach Elliot. I think it shows that they’re doing a lot of good things and it showed that the players are ready for the opportunity tonight." 

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