

保罗·兰伯特是最新一位凯尔特人传奇人物,回忆凯尔特人传奇历史上的一场关键比赛。在最新一集中,这位篮球传奇人物带领球迷回顾 1998 年 1 月 2 日的格拉斯哥德比,当时凯尔特人以 2-0 获胜正在争取十年来的第一个联赛冠军。然而,保罗·兰伯特令人难忘的进球真正锁定了胜利,并将这场比赛铭刻在凯尔特人的民间传说中。 在该系列的第九集中,兰伯特生动地回忆起这场比赛的激动人心的气氛和关键时刻,这场比赛在凯尔特人球迷的心中占有特殊的地位。  “毫无疑问,这是一场关键的比赛,”他说,“作为凯尔特人球员,我最大的亮点之一。” 凯尔特人以出色的表现控制了比赛。第一个进球来自克雷格·伯利,他的进球为接下来的比赛定下了基调。凯尔特人电视台的《我最伟大的比赛》 “它对我来说真的很好,我想,‘我要破解这个,’”兰伯特回忆道。“我在这里玩过很多大型游戏,我不确定我是否已经玩过见过类似的东西。这是一场混乱。”“I’ve played in loads of big games here, I’m not sure I’ve seen anything quite like it. It was mayhem.”

The win not only gave Celtic bragging rights over their Glasgow rivals but also played a crucial role in their journey to clinch the league title after a decade-long wait. “The significance of it was so important because it kept this club’s history intact with the great Lions side, who were the best Celtic team in the history of the club,” Lambert said.“It gave us that feeling how to win it, and going into the St. Johnstone game, it gave the club the feeling of winning the title again.” Lambert’s detailed and passionate recount of the 1998 Glasgow derby win is sure to evoke fond memories for Celtic supporters as they relive a defining chapter in the club’s history.Be sure to catch the full episode of My Greatest Game on Celtic TV now. Celtic TV's My Greatest Game with Paul Lambert is available to watch NOW on Celtic TV.If you love this episode, why not explore other episodes featuring Lubo Moravčík, Scott McDonald, Scott Brown, Peter Grant, Charlie Mulgrew, Roy Aitken and John Hartson. Every pass, every goal, every moment – subscribers can experience it all, LIVE* on Celtic TV. Your subscription offers comprehensive matchday coverage, expert commentary, and exclusive Celtic TV features including Captains, Off the Pitch, My Greatest Game, My Elite Eleven, Matchday Paradise, Global Celts, and On the Road.Celtic TV is your all-access pass to the Double winners!SUBSCRIBE TO CELTIC TV

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